Sunday, April 12, 2009

HELP!! My peace lily quit blooming!!?

I have a peace lily I was given 3 years ago. It has a lot of sentimental value to me. It started blooming great big blooms, and they%26#039;ve gotten smaller and smaller and now there are none. I have it in the place of the house it prefers (a bright bathroom) and I let it droop a little before I water it. I fertilize with houseplant fertilizer. What am I doing wrong?

HELP!! My peace lily quit blooming!!?
Hi all Just to let you know that in order for Spathyphilly (Peace Lily) to blossum, the plant must be totally pot bound to the point where only roots are visible when taken out of the pot. When bought the plants are always pot bound and when they end thier flower cycle, they need to be potted into the next size pot. Remember also that they really do not like to be fertilized. If you live in an area with a lot of sun, a tiny bit of organics may not cause salt burn, but as we near the shorter days, fertilizer burn is a major factor for discoloring the tips of the leaves.
Reply:You know,I have one that I got a good 2 years ago and ever since we have had it,it has never bloomed. I was a little confused too because we got another one around the same time that had many beautiful blooms and it still blooms to this day.The one that blooms we keep by a window in the back of our home where it gets sunlight all the time. Mine get a little droopy too before I water it.Is it a big plant or a little plant? If it is larger you may need to replant it to a bigger pot or change its soil.Also look it up on the internet...there r alot of good help out there...or get a plant book from the library also. Im sorry I cant help more :-(
Reply:I would separate it into two clumps and repot them in some good rich dirt, then give them some coffee grounds and eggs shells mixed in, I%26#039;d also give them a little rooting hormone for good measure and a bit of liquid plant food, not fertilizer, depending on how they were adapting after the move.
Reply:My Gram was the plant person IM NOT lol but i found you a few links you might find something usefull or maybe you can contact one from the post.....

Maybe more light or less water?????
Reply:It probably needs more light. How about setting it in bright light near a window. I use to have several on a porch and they did great.
Reply:unlike outdoor plants a topical foliage plant has limited space. The soil does not get replenished with nutrients so you need to change the soil approx. every year. I do it in the winter time. anyway your peace lilly probably should be put in a larger pot so the roots have plenty of room to spread out. then give it plenty of su but not full sun. you will burn it. foliage plants grow on the floor of tropical forest so filtered light is best. You may even want to divide your peace lilly and have 2. It could have just out grown itself. if you repot it check to see if it was root bound, if so gently loosen up the root system before you repot. don%26#039;t forget to water real well after. hope I helped


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